Branch Change / Institution Transfer
(1) The cnadidate seeking for a change in course or shift after successfully completing the First Year of studies will be allowed to do so in the same institution subject to the acailability of seats and changes will be carried out based on the marks of First Year or First and Second Semester together. The Principal shall be responsible for ascertaining the eligibility of the Candidates as laid down by the MSBTE for the course to which the Candidate is being transferred. List of such changes shall be communicated to the office of the Admissions Regulating Authority.
(2) Tansfer of Candidates (Course or Institution) after one Year shall be made in the following manner,-
(a) The Candidate once admitted in First Year shall not be eligible for transfer to any other institution during the same academic year;
(b) The Candidate passing the First Year or both first and second semester examination in full or failed in one of the heads of passing are considered as eligible for transfer of institution or course;
(c) There shall be no transfer of students at any stage in any case from Unaided Institutions to Government or Government Aided Institutions. However, the Candidate from Government or Government Aided Institutions may seek transfer to Unaided Educational Institutions;
(d) There shall be no transfer of students at any stage to Autonomous Institutions;
(e) Transfer to Unaided Institutions.- The Principals of Unaided Institutions shall consider the Candidates from other institutions for transfer with prior approval from the Admissions Regulating Authority on submission of No Objection Certificate(NOC) from institution, Eligibility Certificate from MSBTE and Vaccancy positon. The Principal or Director shall ascertain the eligibility of Candidates as laid down by the MSBTE for the course to which the Candidate is being transferred;
Transfer in Government or Government aided Institutions- Eligible Candidates aspiring for a transfer from Government or Government Aided Institutions to other Government or Government Aided Institutions, shall apply in writing to the Principal in which he/she studied first year or second semester . The Principal or Director shall forward the consolidated branch wise merit list of eligible candidates giving details like Name, Course,percentage of Marks,Name of Courses and Institutions in order of preference to which candidates desires to seek transfer, reasons for transfer and Remark, along with course wise vacancy position in as to reach him as per the schedule given by him. All the Principals of Government or Government Aided Instuitutions shall submit vacancy position of all courses to the Directorate of Technical Education Mumbai before stipulated date.
(f) No Application without recommendation of the Principal of Institution shall be entertained by the Admission Regulating Authority;
(g) If the result of the MSBTE or Institution is not declared before the process of transfer, Candidates of that Board or Institution will lose claim on transfer.
(3) The candidates admitted under supernumerary quota seats are not eligible for Change of course or institution.